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Duat and the Pyramid Text

Writer's picture: makaulamakaula

In the Golden Horizon storyline, Aperel took Prince to his home Saqqara, located some 30 km (19 mi) south of modern-day Cairo. And west of the capital city Memphis/Men-nefer, at that time.

Saqqara is an Egyptian village in Giza that contains ancient burial grounds of Egyptian royalty, serving as the necropolis for the ancient Egyptian capital, Memphis.

Numerous pyramids were constructed at Saqqara, including the Step pyramid of Djoser and this funerary complex.

It was built by the royal architect Imhotep.

And one funeral complex in which Aperel took Young Prince is the Pyramid of Unas.

This Unas pyramid has two chambers, the Ante chamber and the Sarcophagus chamber.

Those two chamber walls are filled with texts in Old Egyptian.

Egyptologists call it funeral texts or "utterances," the magic spells reserved only for pharaohs written in old Egyptian carved onto the walls without any illustrations.

Reproduction of Ante chamber.

I used actual hieroglyphs and layouts curved on the chamber wall.

Most people find the Pyramid texts very hard to understand.

Egyptologists call "utterances" magic spells.

Since most people in this time did not know and did not understand such dynamics worked, so describing "utterances" as magic spells is understandable.

Those utterances and funerary texts may magic spells for us, but for them?

Probably not.

If utterances were just magic spells as we think, why do they spend much time and effort to incurved such long texts on the wall?

Same thing for funerary texts such as the famous book of the dead of Ani and various coffin texts.

Book of dead and coffin texts are part of variations taken from the world of Pyramid text, which King Unas's underworld journey toward realms of their God.

And the most fundamental question arises.

Where did the world of Duat/Underworld come from?

Is it just written like an imaginable story by a high priest or a priestess for King Unas?

Ancient Egyptian funerary texts, coffin texts, and the book of dead are related to life after life.

The Duat = neither world.

It is between life and life after life; it is the realm of the dead and has been represented in hieroglyphs as a star-in-circle.

The Duat was also a residence for various gods, including Osiris, Isis, Anubis, Thoth, Horus, Hathor, and Maat, all appearing to the dead soul.

The Duat is the transitional state of existence or dimensions.

How could ancient Egyptians, pharaohs, or priests associated with them develop such a worldview of either world and life after life?

Usually, the dead won't speak, isn't it?

And then who spoke to them about those realms and orders and spells to proceed transformation from becoming Osiris to becoming an Atum/Finisher?

Reproduction of Sarcophagus chamber

I used actual hieroglyphs and layouts curved on the chamber wall.

The funerary texts or utterances for King Unas are the guidance for life after in the Duat.

But where do those come from?

Only the dead can go to the Duat?

I am sure many Egyptians, pharaohs or high priests, or high priestesses were able to enter the Duat and still be alive.

Back to the storyline, Aperel told young Price about the Ascension process based upon these utterances described and the use of magic spells, which he will be needed.

Because Prince will be guided to visit the Duat.

And he needs to pass through the realm of his ancestors, or his gods reside.

If you are interested in Pyramid text, click the links below.

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