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Finding Aperel

Writer's picture: makaulamakaula

"GOLDEN HORIZON" was initially set timeline in late 1990, and the story was a "Blue Dolphin" prequel, one of the characters, Coco De L'amour, went to Egypt before altering his sex to female in Morocco.

She met an astonishingly beautiful man and his girlfriend while in Egypt.

All three travel through Aswan to Giza, following man's fascination with Pharaoh Akhenaten.

I thought of weaving Akhenaten's life and his transformation from Amenhotep III to Akhenaten as a second narrative in this story.

When I started to render the recent "Golden Horizon" series, it was not Young Prince and Vizier Aperel.

Just young pharaoh and his protector or guide, both did not have much clarity as a character,

And something magically happened because the young pharaoh accidentally looked like Akhenaten at his young age, which I wasn't intended to.

As Prince's guide or protector, the early development stage was not too hard.

I had a specific image of him, red skin, bronze color hair, and golden eyes.

It was done really quick.

Once my mind was set on young pharaoh Prince Amenhotep III/Akhenaten, I needed to develop his protector or guide, to be more specific.

I already began researching Akhenaten's life a long time ago, but he was not Prince Amenhotep.

And then I found Aperel, A Vizier served Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten.

Information about Aperel is so limited that there is not much.

Aperel was pronounced "something like 'Abdiel ('Abdi-El), meaning "the servant of the god El."

Aperel (sometimes written as Aperia) was a vizier of ancient Egypt who served during the reigns of the 18th Dynasty kings Amenhotep III and Akhenaten.

Besides being Vizier, Aperel was also a commander of chariots and had the title God's Father.

Aperel's tomb was discovered in 1987 by the French under the supervision of Alain Zivie.

The tomb is designated as I.1 and is located on the cliffs of the Bubasteion, a sanctuary dedicated to Bastet.

Aperel's wife was named Taweret.

Taweret, Aperia's wife, may have been a vital lady in her own right as she is the only New Kingdom woman identified to date to have been buried in three coffins.

They had at least three sons:

Seny, Hatiay, and Huy.

Seny was a steward.

Hatiay was a priest of Nefertem.

Huy was a commander of the horse, commander of chariots, and scribe of the Lord of the Two Lands recruits.

He was also buried in the tomb of his parents.

Their son Huy was buried in year 10 of Akhenaten or even later.

Also mentioned in the tomb are Aperel's sons Seny, an official, and Hatiay, a priest.

Aperel was 50–60 years old at the time of his death, his wife Taweret was 40–50 years old at the time of her death, and their son Huy was 25–35 years old at the time of his death.

When I read the above information from Wikipedia, I started to see Aperel, which somehow made sense to me.

Aperel lost spending time with his son, guiding and educating Young Prince to be Amenhotep III did click.

He also extended affection to Young Prince.

His sons growing up under his protection and guidance,

Aperel maybe wanted to see his son through Young Prince.

Aperel was given an order from Amenhotep III to guide Prince for Ascension to be the next king, Amenhotep IV.

To succeed in such a task, Aperel needs to take Prince's vision quest sort of journey and seek Gods and Goddesses approval.

Aperel needs to take Prince to the Neither world, then World of Gods to see them.

Digging into Aperel's life came with a few surprises...

Bubasteion and Saqqara, Goddess Bastet, and her son Maahes.

Aperel's tomb is on the cliffs of the Bubasteion, a sanctuary dedicated to the Feline goddess Bastet.

Feline goddess Bastet had a son Maahes.

The Bubasteum was a Ptolemaic and Roman temple complex dedicated to Bastet on the cliff face of the desert boundary of Saqqara.

In Arabic, the place is called Abwab el-Qotat, "The Gates of the Cats."

Another surprise was that Prince's father, Amenhotep III, visited the Bubasteum.

And more surprise, Bubasteum has 12 tombs, and 8 of them were 18th dynasty, related to Amenhotep III and Akhenaten!

Maahes was an ancient Egyptian lion-headed god of war, whose name means "he who is true beside her."

He was seen as the son of the Creator god Ptah, and the feline goddess Bast in Lower Egypt or Sekhmet in Upper Egypt, whose nature he shared.

Maahes was a deity associated with war, protection, and weather, as well as that knives, lotuses, and devouring captives.

His cult was centered in Taremu and Per-Bast, the cult centers of Sekhmet and Bast, respectively.

Clearly, Aperel belongs to the cult centers of Sekhmet and Bast, and he carries the essence of the Egyptian lion-headed god of war Maahes.

Aperel's ancestors/his god Maahas and goddess Bastet, those feline people were from constellation Lyra.

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